After the Tribeca Film Festival’s 35th anniversary Scarface screening Thursday night, members of the cast reunited to talk about the gangster movie’s history and impact. Al Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer, Brian De Palma, and Steven Bauer sat onstage at the Beacon Theatre, in conversation with moderator Jesse Kornbluth. Kornbluth’s question for Scarface’s leading lady: How much did she weigh during production? “As the father of a daughter, I am concerned with body image,” he said. “In the preparation for this film, what did you weigh?”As members of the audience booed and protested, Kornbluth said the question “wasn’t going where you expect.” Pfeiffer politely answered: “Well, okay. I don’t know. I was playing a cocaine addict, so that was part of the physicality of the part, which you have to consider,” she said.
Here’s that appalling Michelle Pfeiffer moment in full. Her ability to gracefully shrug off such blatant condescension is truly amazing, one might even say Oscar-worthy.
Matthew Eng (@Eng_Matthew) April 20, 2018Oh hey just plugged in my camera and look: Michelle Pfeiffer reacting to the bad question, in three photos
Jason Bailey (@jasondashbailey) April 20, 2018Update: IndieWire followed up with Kornbluth about the weight question, and he defended his query. “It is true that a gentleman should never ask a woman about her weight. But that was not my question,” he said via e-mail. “It is a comment on the knee-jerk political correctness of our time that no one would be shocked if you asked Robert De Niro about the weight gain required for his role in Raging Bull but you get booed — not by many, but by a vocal few — for asking Michelle Pfeiffer about the physical two-dimensionality required for her to play a cocaine freak in Scarface.”
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