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Monday 30 April 2018

Kanye West calls Emma Gonzalez 'my hero' on Twitter. Here's her response.


Kanye West's admiration for Emma Gonzalez may not have landed as he'd hoped.

In the latest instalment of the superstar's debate-triggering Twitter thoughts, West tweeted his admiration for the high school senior, survivor of the shooting in Parkland, Florida, and now gun control activist on Sunday. 

He posted the words "my hero" alongside an image of Gonzalez at CNN's Town Hall following the Parkland school shooting in February.

my hero Emma Gonzalez

— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 29, 2018

More about Twitter, Kanye West, Emma Gonzalez, Parkland Shooting, and March For Our Lives

from Mashable
via Middlesbrough

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