Like the seasons, Internet aesthetics come and go. As the days get colder and nights longer, the aspirational cottagecore of earlier months, with its sun-drenched wicker baskets and billowing dresses, is being rightly pushed aside for something grittier that we've all been feeling lately: goblincore.
Cottagecore dominated the first half of 2020, when states began mandating stay-at-home orders and the country was on hold. Unless they were essential workers, Americans found themselves newly confined to their homes with the expectation that life would return to normal sooner rather than later. Cottagecore is characterized by a deep desire to escape a metropolitan life for a slower, pastoral one. The cottagecore aesthetic has its faults, and has been criticized for romanticizing a colonialst mindset of homesteading, but the desire for a less frantic way of existing permeated American homes throughout quarantine. Read more...
More about Tumblr, Halloween, Tiktok, Culture, and Web Culturefrom Mashable https://mashable.com/article/goblincore-feral-aesthetic-tiktok-tumblr/
via Middlesbrough
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