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Thursday 31 October 2019

Vox Sentences: All-in for impeachment

House Votes To Formalize Impeachment Inquiry Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

“The ayes have it” on an impeachment inquiry resolution; Iraq’s prime minister will step down if a replacement is named.

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Impeachment inquiry gets formal go-ahead

Iraqi prime minister promises to resign

  • Iraqi President Barham Salih announced that Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi agreed to step down once his replacement was agreed upon by parliament. The move is in response to weeks of violent, anti-government protest. [BBC]
  • The statement came after a leader in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Qassem Soleimani, intervened to prevent a vote of no confidence against Mahdi that was led by populist Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr. [Reuters]
  • Security forces have cracked down on the protesters and the death toll has risen to around 250, but the violence continued Wednesday as rockets hit Baghdad’s Green Zone. The area hosts Iraq’s government buildings and several embassies, including the US embassy that was on high alert with missiles landing just over 100 yards away. [Al Jazeera]
  • As people took to the streets to protest corruption and demand the rewriting of the constitution, Mahdi attempted to quell the demonstrators by offering to change election laws and promising improved services and increased employment opportunities. [Al Monitor / Ali Mamouri]
  • Weeks of anti-government protest are slowly chipping away at the Iraqi government’s ability to lead, prompting apprehension from Iran. [Associated Press / Qassim Abdul-Zahra and Joseph Krauss]



“His relatives were subjected to harsh treatment by ISIS and he no longer believed in the future of ISIS. He wanted to take revenge on ISIS and al-Baghdadi himself.” [Commander of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces Gen. Mazloum Abdi giving the reason for why the mole inside ISIS decide to give up al Baghdadi]

Watch this: Why Turkey is invading Syria

Turkey is invading Syria with specific goals in mind. [YouTube / Sam Ellis and Danush Parvaneh]

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