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Thursday 29 August 2019

Full-length 'Terminator: Dark Fate' trailer: more Arnie, more plot, more callbacks


On Aug. 29, 1997, Skynet became self-aware. On Aug. 30, 2019, a new trailer for Terminator: Dark Fate became available. And as in the teaser released in May, it would very much like to emphasise that the Rise Of The Machines/Genisys/Salvation timeline is as dead as... well, all of humanity in the future.

If you'd like to be surprised, look away now, because this trailer is packed with details designed to reassure you that this is the Terminator franchise, classic flavour. We get Mackenzie Davis's I-come-from-the-future exposition explaining that Sarah Connor did not, in fact, avert Judgement Day; Linda Hamilton's Connor smirking and wisecracking like the apocalypse-averting veteran she is (complete with a callback I'd rather have been surprised by); and some absolutely wild-looking fight scenes — including a moment where Gabriel Luna's evil new-model nanomorph appears to split itself into two separate humanoids. Read more...

More about Arnold Schwarzenegger, Trailer, Terminator Dark Fate, Entertainment, and Movies Tv Shows

from Mashable
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